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Our Services



Stahly Engineering provides transportation engineering services to the Montana Department of Transportation, private developers and many local governments and communities throughout Montana. Our projects range in size and magnitude from basic multi-use paths to complex roadway design projects. We regularly complete grant funding applications and stay connected with industry trends that benefit our clients. Our firm works extensively with Montana Counties, serving as their road and bridge engineer, with long term contracts that prove our commitment to building solid relationships through excellent customer service and quality projects.

Stahly Engineering 66 gallery

Stahly Engineering has an impressive list of projects completed for the Montana Department of Transportation ranging from design/build projects for rest areas on the Interstate system to comprehensive, multi-million dollar highway design projects including a section of the Highway 93 redesign. Additionally, our firm works extensively with Montana Counties, serving as their road and bridge engineer, with long term contracts that prove our commitment to building solid relationships through excellent customer service and quality projects.

Private developers benefit from Stahly Engineering’s talent for transportation design and ability to help guide projects through the regulatory process with City, County, and State government entities.

Got a project in mind?

Drop us a line today and tell us about it. Our friendly staff is standing by to answer your questions and get your project across the finish line.

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